In communication, Media can be defined as the
diverse forms of communication channels that help a sender of mass produced
content of information to send a message technologically or manually to a group
of people or an individual.
Old media otherwise known as Traditional Media,
is defined as the traditional means of transmitting information to large
heterogeneous audience before the advent of the Internet. Examples of the
traditional media are: Television, radio, newspaper, magazines, and books.
The new
media is defined by Bailey Socha and Barbara Eber-Schmid as “ interactive forms
of communication that use the Internet, including podcast, RSS feeds, social
networks, text messaging, blogs, wikis, virtual worlds and more!
New media makes it possible for anyone
to create, modify, and share content and share it with others, using relatively
simple tools that are often free or inexpensive. New media requires a computer
or mobile device with Internet access.
New media tools can help you:
- CONNECT people with information and
services. This includes connecting individuals with healthcare providers
and people living with HIV with one another. New media can also connect
the families, friends, and caregivers of people living with HIV and AIDS
to resources for their loved ones and themselves.
- COLLABORATE with other people—including
those within your organisation or community.
- CREATE new content, services,
communities, and channels of communication that help you deliver
information and services.”
Differences between the new media and the old
In an attempt to distinguish between the old and new media, Paps
Shaikh outlined the following: Users control what and when they
consume, Media abundance means audience aggregation will become more important
than contextual buys, User attention is not a constant and
Fragmentation demands a clear demonstration of media value.
The above distinctions can be conceptualised as follows:
1. Content
Control and Development
With regards to the development of media
content and control, the old media enjoyed some level of authority over its
audience. They developed contents they deemed important for audience. The old
media as well, determined the appropriate time to disseminate such contents to
the audience.
The advent of the new media has made it
possible for audience to contribute to the content development process.
Audience can now develop their own content and share them with friends within a twinkling of an eye.
2. Consumer
Unlike the old media, audience now has a vast array of media channels
and platforms to access information they want. The new media gives satisfaction
to specific audience. Audience now determines what to read, watch and hear at
what time – an application of the uses-and-gratification theory.
3. Geographical
In terms of circulation and wave length, the
old media was geographically limited to areas that have access to signals of
radio and television. Newspaper was also limited to areas that can be accessed
in terms of transportation and literacy.
The emergence of the new media has now
eradicated all these barriers. People can now access information across the
globe by just at a click on the various web pages
and sites.
4. Audience
Audiences are now fragmented in terms of
informational need and media use. The new media creates the opportunity for users to avail
themselves of specific
content such as sports, politics, health, entertainment etc. New media is able
to segment the information market into specific niche with their needs
satisfied accordingly at a cheaper cost. This is a great limitation of the old
In the above situations, media owners and
content producers must
resort to creative ways of producing creative contents that can be accessed on
various platforms on the Internet and its tools.
They must also advance their technological
know-how in order to meet the standards of the new dawn of the media. They must
also improve in technology.
Rigorous research must also be
conducted periodically to identify new trends in the media. This would enable
them to be current on producing contents that are mostly liked by media users.
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